Post 6: "Who Is a Person/ Expert On Your Field That You Admire?"

Hi everyone, she is Paulina Vergara, a teacher at INAP, has a Doctorate in Human Sciences, Magister in Public Policy, and Social Change, in addition to her title as Public Administrator. 
Paulina has worked on several research projects, for example in 2016 she led the project "Imagina Atacama" where she supported local leaders of the communities affected by the floods in 2015. It also has various publications such as "Challenges and public policy proposals in the face of risks and socio-natural disasters", "Post-disaster reconstruction without citizens and their social capital in Llico, Chile in Environment & Urbanization", "Public-privé partnerships, mouvemenst sociaux at discriminations: Les cas de la reconstruction chilienne post-tremblement de terre et tsunami (2010, Francia)
I like her because, in addition to being a friendly and talented person, she is fantastic in her work area and a woman who always goes through life empowered. 
It makes me happy to know that she was my teacher and that I had the fortune to share with her.
She is really sensational. I hope you all get a chance to meet her.

Bye, my friends! 


  1. She is so good with what she do, also she was my teacher too the last year.

  2. Paulina Vergara is fantastic, I learned a lot with her.

  3. I feel lucky of had classes with her, she is a very wise woman.

  4. Hi Camila. Paula Vergara is truly an amanzing women and professional, she helped me a lot to adapt to university<3

  5. She's an excellent teacher! I like her look to see politics.


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