Post 8: "A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester".

Hello boys and girls! 
Today I'll talk to you about "Dinamicas de la Administración Pública Chilena", the subject that I like the most in my third semester of university. Well, the truth is a kind of love/hate to this subject, because I like the content, but not the teacher, she is a bit strict and very unsympathetic. But in spite of the above, we have to emphasize that his presentations are incredible and dynamic, and he also explains the content quite well, and that pleases me with this new modality of "online" classes.  
In this subject, we have seen the presidential and parliamentary governments, the structure o the government, the ministries, how the public administration has changed over the years, and at the same time how the organization o the state has changed. 
I like the course because it helps me understand how the interior of the Chilean state really works and how it could improve with a new change of constitution, in addition to analyzing the strengths and weaknesses compared to other countries that are parliamentarians, because as we saw in the subject, presidential governments like ours are much more unstable than others.
And tell me, do you like your teachers? Or do you have a favorite subject? 

Virtual greetings and hugs to everyone!!. 


  1. i hope that the relationship with the teacher improves to make the subject much better <3

  2. Hi Cami, unfortunately I have the same love-hate relationship with the same subject but in my case it has to be because of the assistants, because my teacher is very good <3 just like Benjamin I hope your relationship with yours improves, there is little time left for the semester, you can do it!

  3. I get it. I know who your teacher is hahahahaha Very creepy!! hahaha SIKE


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