
Post 10: "Some reflections".

Today, in post number 10, I will write to you about some reflections of this first semester of 2020. The truth has been a terrible semester, with all the pandemic, what is happening in the country and in the world, it is difficult to stay calm. But still, there must always be something good, right? I feel that the best thing about the pandemic is that I can be here in my house in the countryside with my family and my cats. When I was in Santiago, being here was what I missed the most and now to be here every day with nature and also to study, it seems perfect to me, besides, the best thing of all is that if I am hungry or cold, and I am in class, I can eat or drink something warm, it is fantastic, right? I forgot to mention that since I have more free time, I started dancing and cooking a lot, and that makes me think that, I would have never realized how much I like to do those things if it wasn't for everything that happens nowadays. Also, I've taken a lot of pictures and I...

Post 9: "Your Favorite book"

If it's about books, I think I'll have trouble... because I like to read, so choosing my author and my favorite book will be a challenge. But here goes... Among the authors, the ones I like the most are Nietzsche, Bukowski, Katzenbach, Camus, among others... I don't remember their names now, but there are great writers I'm forgetting right now. The truth is that I couldn't say what kind of book I usually read, because I read about romance, mysteries, the universe, philosophy, I don't know... If the book is good and I'm interested, I know I'll read it, no matter what kind of book in is haha. But so far, the books I've liked the most are the ones containing philosophies. So, under the above...  we could say that my favorite book, or rather the one I like the most, is one by Nietzsche called " Así habló Zaratustra "  The last book I read was " Atrofísica para Jóvenes Apurados " by Niel deGrasse Tyson with Gregory Mone, I tota...

Post 8: "A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester".

Hello boys and girls!  Today I'll talk to you about "Dinamicas de la Administración Pública Chilena", the subject that I like the most in my third semester of university. Well, the truth is a kind of love/hate to this subject, because I like the content, but not the teacher, she is a bit strict and very unsympathetic. But in spite of the above, we have to emphasize that his presentations are incredible and dynamic, and he also explains the content quite well, and that pleases me with this new modality of "online" classes.   In this subject, we have seen the presidential and parliamentary governments, the structure o the government, the ministries, how the public administration has changed over the years, and at the same time how the organization o the state has changed.  I like the course because it helps me understand how the interior of the Chilean state really works and how it could improve with a new change of constitution, in addition to analyzing th...

Post 7: "Your Bucket List"

I've always been a dreamer, I hope in my life to be able to do many things. I really have varied desires among them: - to finish filling my arm with tattoos. - travel all over Chile (especially in the South) - go skydiving - travel the world and leave the country  - go to "Fantasilandia", and use all the games - etc.  Of all the ones I have just mentioned, the one that is hardest to achieve is parachute jumping and "Fantasilandia" because I am terrified of that level of adrenaline, I can never scream and I get desperate and end us crying. Once my mother had to stop a game because I started crying... I was traumatized... and obviously very embarrassed. Any plan even if it's to go to a park, I'd like to do it with my best friend, Lukas... we have known each other for more than 6 years and he is the coolest, most motivated person I know,  always supporting me and encourages me to achieve everything I set out to do... and that support is ...

Post 6: "Who Is a Person/ Expert On Your Field That You Admire?"

Hi everyone, she is Paulina Vergara, a teacher at INAP, has a Doctorate in Human Sciences, Magister in Public Policy, and Social Change, in addition to her title as Public Administrator.  Paulina has worked on several research projects, for example in 2016 she led the project "Imagina Atacama" where she supported local leaders of the communities affected by the floods in 2015. It also has various publications such as "Challenges and public policy proposals in the face of risks and socio-natural disasters", "Post-disaster reconstruction without citizens and their social capital in Llico, Chile in Environment & Urbanization", "Public-privé partnerships, mouvemenst sociaux at discriminations: Les cas de la reconstruction chilienne post-tremblement de terre et tsunami (2010, Francia) I like her because, in addition to being a friendly and talented person, she is fantastic in her work area and a woman who always goes through life empowered.  It ...

Post 5: "A Photograph You Like"

Hi friends! :) Today we will back the time to December 25, 2017. This photo was taken by my mom. That day changed my life, as a Christmas gift I bought my first longboard, I say that from that day I change my life, because I met incredible people, people who become my family, who supported me in this sport and give me joy every day.  I love this sport, I feel the wind in descent, I eat pizza with my partners, I learn tricks, it's incredible. I  really like this picture, it reminds me if the good times with my friends. From the first day, I skate with them, they are incredible, until today. We are an incredible family, we are united by the sport. I miss feeling the adrenaline in my body and stumbling, who would have thought that  I would miss my fall? haha, I'm waiting for the moment when everything passes and we meet again... 

Post 4: "TV shows and series"

Hi everybody!... Today I will talk about my series favorite At present, my favorite series is "Akame ga Kill", because even though it was a short series, it woke up all my emotions, I laughed, I cried, I got excited, I got angry. is a series that is full of action and justice, where you will decide who will be the "good" or the "bad". Also, his first chapter is shocking, you really fall in love with him from the beginning. A series I haven't seen but I'd like to see is "Evangelion", many people have told me is that really good, have you seen it? What do you think of her?  If you like to feel multiple emotions and like to watch series with lots of action, I recommend "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" or "Claymore", both are spectacular series that make you go to other times and make you feel a thousand thing.  In general, I like to watch series alone, I feel more comfortable and I can watch as many chapt...